How Can I Make My Makeup Stay Put In Hot And Humid Weather?

Does the thought of your carefully applied makeup melting away in the sweltering heat and humidity make you cringe? Fear not, my friend, for I have the key to ensuring your makeup stays impeccable all day long, no matter how hot and humid the weather may be. From setting sprays to primers, I have gathered a compilation of tips and tricks that will have you looking fresh and flawless even in the most unforgiving climates. So, say goodbye to smudged eyeliner and melting foundation, and hello to makeup that stays put all day, keeping you looking your best no matter the weather.

How Can I Make My Makeup Stay Put In Hot And Humid Weather?

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Use a Primer

When it comes to making your makeup last in hot and humid weather, a primer is your best friend. Not only does it create a smooth canvas for your foundation, but it also helps to prolong the wear of your makeup. When choosing a primer for hot and humid weather, opt for one with long-lasting properties. Look for primers that claim to control oiliness and provide all-day wear. These primers often have special ingredients that help to combat the effects of sweat and humidity, ensuring that your makeup stays in place throughout the day.

To apply the primer, start with a clean and moisturized face. Take a small amount of the primer and apply it evenly all over your face, focusing on areas that tend to get oily or sweaty. Use gentle, upward motions to blend the primer into your skin. By creating a smooth and oil-free base, the primer will help to prevent your foundation from melting and sliding off your face. Remember to use a thin layer of primer, as using too much can make your skin feel heavy and greasy.

If you struggle with oily skin in hot and humid weather, consider using a matte primer. These primers are specifically designed to control oiliness and give your skin a matte, shine-free finish. They work by absorbing excess oil and helping to control shine throughout the day. By using a matte primer, you can ensure that your makeup stays in place and remains fresh-looking, even in the hottest and most humid conditions.

Opt for Lightweight Formulas

In hot and humid weather, heavy and cakey makeup is a recipe for disaster. Instead, opt for lightweight formulas that will give you a natural-looking finish without feeling heavy or suffocating on your skin. To achieve this, start by choosing a lightweight foundation. Look for foundations that are labeled as lightweight or have a natural finish. These foundations often have a thinner consistency and feel more breathable on the skin. They provide just the right amount of coverage, without weighing your skin down or melting off in the heat.

If you prefer a more minimalistic approach to your makeup, consider using a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation. Tinted moisturizers offer a sheer coverage that evens out your skin tone, while at the same time providing a boost of hydration. They are perfect for those hot and humid days when you want to look fresh-faced and natural.

When it comes to other makeup products, such as blush and bronzer, opt for cream-based formulas instead of powders. Cream-based products have a more lightweight texture and blend seamlessly into the skin, giving you a natural and dewy finish. They also have better staying power in hot and humid weather, as they are less likely to melt or fade throughout the day. So, if you want your makeup to stay put, go for the cream-based options.

How Can I Make My Makeup Stay Put In Hot And Humid Weather?

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Set Your Makeup

Setting your makeup is a crucial step in ensuring its longevity, especially in hot and humid weather. To lock in your makeup and prevent it from melting off, reach for a setting spray. Setting sprays act as a barrier between your makeup and the outside elements, helping it to stay in place for longer. Look for setting sprays that are specifically formulated for long-lasting wear and are suitable for hot and humid weather. These setting sprays often have ingredients that help to control oiliness and keep your makeup looking fresh all day long. Simply spray the setting spray evenly over your face after applying your makeup, making sure to cover all areas.

Another way to set your makeup is by using a translucent powder. This step is particularly important if you have oily skin or tend to sweat a lot in hot and humid weather. After applying your foundation, take a fluffy brush and lightly dust a small amount of translucent powder over your face. The powder will help to absorb excess oil and set your foundation, preventing it from sliding off your face. Just be sure to use a light hand when applying the powder, as using too much can make your skin look cakey and accentuate fine lines.

In addition to setting your face, don’t forget to set your eyelids with a setting powder. Hot and humid weather can cause your eyeshadow and eyeliner to crease and smudge, so using a setting powder can help to prevent this. After applying your eyeshadow and eyeliner, take a small fluffy brush and dust a bit of translucent powder over your lids. This will help to set the products in place and minimize the chance of them transferring or smudging throughout the day.

Focus on Oil Control

One of the biggest challenges of hot and humid weather is dealing with excess oil. The heat and humidity can cause your skin to produce more oil, leading to a greasy and shiny complexion. To combat this, it’s important to focus on oil control when doing your makeup for hot and humid weather.

If you find yourself dealing with excess oil throughout the day, blotting papers are your best friend. These little sheets are designed to absorb oil without disturbing your makeup. Simply take a sheet and gently press it against your skin, focusing on areas that are prone to getting oily, such as your T-zone. The blotting paper will help to absorb the excess oil, leaving your skin looking matte and fresh. Keep a pack of blotting papers handy in your purse, so you can touch up throughout the day whenever needed.

When choosing makeup products for hot and humid weather, opt for oil-free or mattifying formulas. These products are specifically designed to control oil and shine, making them perfect for oily skin types. Look for foundations, powders, and concealers that are labeled as oil-free or mattifying. These products often have ingredients that help to absorb excess oil and keep your skin looking matte throughout the day. By using oil-free or mattifying products, you can minimize the need for touch-ups and ensure that your makeup stays in place for longer.

Before applying your makeup, consider using a mattifying primer. This step will help to control oiliness from the start and create a smooth base for your foundation. Mattifying primers often have special ingredients that help to absorb excess oil and keep shine at bay. Apply a thin layer of mattifying primer to your entire face, focusing on areas that tend to get oily. This will provide an extra layer of oil control and help to keep your makeup looking fresh and matte in hot and humid weather.

How Can I Make My Makeup Stay Put In Hot And Humid Weather?

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Choose Long-Wearing Products

In hot and humid weather, it’s important to choose long-wearing products that can withstand the elements. The last thing you want is for your makeup to start melting off or smudging as soon as you step outside. To ensure that your makeup stays in place throughout the day, opt for long-wearing formulas that are specifically designed to withstand heat and humidity.

Start with a long-wearing foundation that is known for its longevity. Look for foundations that are labeled as long-wearing or have a high-performance formula. These foundations often have special ingredients that help them to adhere to the skin and resist sweat and humidity. They provide a flawless and long-lasting finish, even in the hottest and most humid conditions.

When it comes to eye makeup, waterproof mascara and eyeliner are your best options. These products are designed to be smudge-proof and water-resistant, making them perfect for hot and humid weather. Look for mascaras and eyeliners that specifically mention waterproof or long-lasting properties. They will ensure that your eye makeup stays intact, even if you sweat or come into contact with water.

Lastly, consider using a long-lasting lipstick that can withstand the heat and humidity. Look for lipsticks that are labeled as long-wearing or have a transfer-proof formula. These lipsticks often have special ingredients that help them to adhere to the lips and resist smudging or fading. By using a long-lasting lipstick, you can enjoy a fresh and vibrant pout throughout the day, without having to constantly touch up.

Avoid Heavy Layers

When it comes to makeup in hot and humid weather, less is definitely more. Avoiding heavy layers of makeup will not only prevent your skin from feeling suffocated, but it will also help to minimize melting and caking. By applying thin layers of makeup, you allow your skin to breathe and adapt to the changing weather conditions.

Start with a lightweight foundation or tinted moisturizer, as mentioned earlier. Apply a thin layer of foundation, using a sponge or brush to blend it into your skin. If you need more coverage, build it up gradually with thin layers, rather than applying a thick layer all at once. This will help your foundation to blend seamlessly into your skin and look more natural.

Avoid excessive powdering, as this can make your skin look cakey and emphasize dry patches. Instead, use a light dusting of translucent powder to set your foundation, as mentioned earlier. If you have oily skin and need extra oil control, blotting papers are a better option than adding more powder.

When it comes to cream-based products, like blush and bronzer, keep the application light and blend well. The cream formula will blend easily into your skin, giving you a natural and fresh look. If you prefer powder products, apply them with a light hand to avoid heavy layers.

By avoiding heavy layers of makeup, you can prevent your makeup from sliding off your face and caking up in hot and humid weather. Embrace a more lightweight and natural approach to your makeup routine, and your skin will thank you for it.

Waterproof Your Makeup

One of the key steps to make your makeup last in hot and humid weather is to waterproof it. Waterproof makeup is specially formulated to resist water and humidity, ensuring that it stays in place no matter what. By incorporating waterproof products into your routine, you can feel confident that your makeup will remain intact, even in the most challenging conditions.

Start by using waterproof mascara and eyeliner. These products are designed to be smudge-proof and water-resistant, which is essential in hot and humid weather. Waterproof mascara and eyeliner will prevent any smudging or running, even if you sweat or come into contact with water. Look for formulas that specifically mention waterproof properties and ensure that you invest in a good makeup remover to effectively remove them at the end of the day.

Another area to focus on waterproofing is your eyebrows. If you fill in your brows, consider using waterproof brow products. Waterproof brow gels, pencils, and pomades are widely available and can help to ensure that your brows stay in place, even in the most extreme weather conditions. Look for products that offer long-lasting wear and are resistant to sweat and water.

To further enhance the longevity of your makeup in hot and humid weather, use a setting spray that is specifically formulated for these conditions. Look for setting sprays that claim to be sweat-proof or are designed for hot and humid weather. These setting sprays often have special ingredients that help to keep your makeup in place, even when faced with heat and humidity. After applying your makeup, simply spray the setting spray evenly over your face to lock it in and protect it from the elements.

Stay Hydrated and Moisturized

While it may seem counterintuitive, keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized is key to making your makeup stay put in hot and humid weather. When your skin is properly hydrated, it is less likely to produce excess oil, which can cause your makeup to slide off. By ensuring that your skin is well-hydrated, you create a smooth canvas for your makeup and help it to adhere better.

Start by incorporating a lightweight and oil-free moisturizer into your skincare routine. Look for moisturizers that are specifically formulated for hot and humid weather, as they often have lightweight formulas that provide ample hydration without feeling heavy on the skin. Apply a small amount of moisturizer to your face and neck, gently massaging it in until fully absorbed. This will help to replenish your skin’s moisture levels and create a smooth and hydrated base for your makeup.

In addition to moisturizing, consider incorporating hydrating facial mists into your routine. Facial mists are a great way to refresh and hydrate your skin throughout the day, especially in hot and humid weather. Simply spritz the mist onto your face whenever you feel your skin needs a pick-me-up. Not only will it help to cool you down, but it will also provide an extra boost of hydration to your skin, helping to keep your makeup looking fresh and dewy.

Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated from the inside out. Dehydration can cause your skin to become dry and dull, which can affect the longevity of your makeup. By staying hydrated, you can ensure that your skin remains healthy and radiant, even in the harshest weather conditions.

Use Smudge-Proof Eye Makeup Techniques

When it comes to eye makeup in hot and humid weather, smudging and creasing can be common issues. To prevent these problems, it’s important to use smudge-proof techniques that will keep your eye makeup in place throughout the day.

Start by applying an eyeshadow primer before applying any eyeshadow. This will create a smooth base for your eyeshadow and help it to adhere better to your lids. Eyeshadow primers also help to prevent creasing and ensure that your eyeshadow stays vibrant and in place. Simply apply a small amount of eyeshadow primer to your lids and blend it in with your fingers or a brush.

Once you’ve applied your eyeshadow, set it with a translucent powder. This will help to lock in the colors and prevent them from creasing or fading throughout the day. Take a fluffy brush and lightly dust a small amount of translucent powder over your lids, making sure to blend it well. This step will ensure that your eyeshadow stays in place and remains vibrant, even in hot and humid weather.

When it comes to eyeliner, opt for a waterproof or long-lasting formula. These liners are designed to be smudge-proof and water-resistant, making them perfect for hot and humid weather. Apply your eyeliner as usual, making sure to get it as close to your lash line as possible. Once applied, set it with a bit of translucent powder, as mentioned earlier. This will help to prevent any smudging or transferring throughout the day.

Throughout the day, avoid rubbing or touching your eyes, as this can cause your eye makeup to smudge or fade. If you feel the need to touch up your eye makeup, use a small brush or a cotton swab to fix any areas that may have smudged. By following these smudge-proof eye makeup techniques, you can ensure that your eye makeup stays intact and looking fresh, even in hot and humid weather.

Avoid Excessive Touching or Rubbing

In hot and humid weather, it’s important to avoid excessive touching or rubbing your face. Doing so can cause your makeup to smudge or transfer, leading to a less-than-desirable appearance. By being mindful of this, you can help to ensure that your makeup stays put throughout the day.

Instead of touching your face throughout the day, use blotting papers to absorb any excess oil or sweat. Blotting papers are designed to remove oil without disturbing your makeup. Simply press the blotting paper against your skin, focusing on areas that tend to get oily, such as your T-zone. The blotting paper will absorb the excess oil, leaving your skin looking fresh and matte without disrupting your makeup.

If you feel the need to touch up your makeup, refrain from using additional powder. Excessive powdering can make your skin look cakey and emphasize dry patches. Instead, use blotting papers to absorb any excess oil, and then touch up your makeup with a lightweight concealer or touch-up powder if necessary. By avoiding excessive powdering, you can prevent your makeup from looking heavy and keep it looking fresh and natural throughout the day.

Lastly, try to avoid excessive sweating if possible. While this may not always be within your control, staying in cool and shaded areas can help to minimize sweating. By keeping your body temperature regulated, you can prevent your makeup from melting off and help it to stay in place for longer. Consider using a handheld fan or carrying a small portable fan to stay cool and comfortable in hot and humid weather.

By being mindful of not touching or rubbing your face, you can ensure that your makeup stays intact and looking fresh, even in hot and humid weather. Embrace a hands-off approach and allow your makeup to do its job of enhancing your natural beauty.


Making your makeup stay put in hot and humid weather is all about using the right techniques and products. By using a primer to create a long-lasting base, opting for lightweight formulas that won’t melt off your face, setting your makeup with sprays and powders, focusing on oil control, choosing long-wearing products, avoiding heavy layers, waterproofing your makeup, staying hydrated and moisturized, using smudge-proof eye makeup techniques, and avoiding excessive touching or rubbing, you can keep your makeup looking fresh and flawless all day long. With these tips in mind, go ahead and conquer the heat and humidity with confidence, knowing that your makeup is here to stay.